When I was pregnant with Gabs some ladies at church were making these adorable stick horses. It sounded like a cute idea, but I was about 48 hours from giving birth, so I never gave them a second thought. Luckily I had two of the greatest friends that came galloping over the day I got home from the hospital with a stick horse they made for my new little girl.
A couple years went by before our little pink and purple horse got any use. Finally Gabriella was interested and hasn't stopped "Knee-Ha-ing" since. It is one of the prized attractions when friends or school is held at our house.
I thought it was time that Gwen had a little friend for our pink and purple horse. I predicted that Gabriella would claim the new one and leave the older one for Gwen (poor Gwyneth), so I let her choose everything. The yarn. The fabric. And the ribbon. I made it last Saturday while Joe was gone and the girls helped stuff their new horse. Gabs thinks "she" is pretty nifty. And it's a good thing too because apparently the other one Gwen is now allowed to play with bites. Go figure! Gwen doesn't seem to mind though and is as pleased as can be that she has a horse now too.
I have the instructions for these horses, but I don't feel like I should leave them on the Internet since I don't know where they originated from. If you'd like a copy, leave your e-mail address and I'll get them to you.
I hope I got the instructions to everyone who requested them. If I missed you somehow please let me know. I will no longer be e-mailing the instructions out to anyone. Thanks!