Well, not so much jammies, but I tried.
I had this idea to make the girls jammie bottoms for Christmas this year instead of buying them like I have the past several years. I went and picked out the fabric and my friend loaned me a pattern. I saw the pattern also had a night gown pattern. So, knowing my own daughter, I thought Gabriella would be much happier with a "jammie dress" (that's what we call them around here), then jammie bottoms.
I guess I have a bit to learn on fabric selection, because the jammie dress looks more like a church dress. Gabs informed me when I tried it on her, "that's not my favorite mom." Oh well. It'll probably make her cry, but she WILL wear them to bed one night! Horrible, but I'm going to be a little selfish about it. At least Gwen won't mind her elf looking bottoms.
Besides the less pajama feeling fabric, I really like them and am happy with my first attempt at clothes. I learn something however, I don't understand patterns for anything! It's like another language. I do much better going with how I imagined it in my head than trying to follow those instructions.
So reluctantly I give you, Jammies 2007!
Jamie, so, so cute. I love them.
I bet Gabriella will wear the cute nitegown "dress". Use a litte bribery with her. You have so much talent.
I love them! I can't believe they are not her favorite? Gabs must be a little confused! I will love looking at this site at all your wonderful talent. How is it that one of us got so much of it and the other nerd didn't? Thats kinda not fair don't you think? At least I get to benefit from your seamstressness! :)
I had no idea you had another blog...but I absolutely love it! Jamie your jammies are just perfect and Gabriella just doesn't know what she's saying. She will love them and appreciate the things you do for her so much. What lucky girls you have. I can't wait to see all the other things you decide to make. Am I allowed to make requests to keep you busy? I think I have a long list... Love you!
After I wrote this post, I wanted to show Joe the jammies on the girls. After a little begging I got Gabriella to try them on, and she wore them the rest of the night. In fact she didn't want to take them off for me to wash them and has been in them since last night! I'd say she had a change of heart! YEAH!
These jammies are beautiful! Very classic. When I was pregnant with Emma I collected "Martha Stewart Baby" magazines because I loved the classic, homemade projects in them. Your jammies could be in those magazines!
By the way, if you ever want to borrow the magazines, you can, because they have projects that seem right up your alley. I don't think they produce the magazines anymore. I learned how to knit a baby sweater from them.
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