Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hooded Bath Towels

I know I know. I'm sick of the peanut butter balls too. It's been awhile. Trust me, I've been sewing. Lots and lots of sewing. Just not a whole lot of motivation to take pictures and post my happenings. Some friends and I have started "Friday Fun Day" where we do a project each week. We've tackled a lot of sewing. Maybe one day I'll get around to actually posting pictures. Maybe.

One thing that I have been wanting to do for years are hooded bath towels. My friend showed us how one Friday and the girls love their new towels with hoods. They were simple and easy and fun to individualize with ric rac and pom poms. I know hooded towels aren't anything new or original, but here they are none the less.

I don't know if you can actually get a good look at them, because the only pictures I have of them are from Henry's first sponge bath. Needless to say, he hated it and the girls could hardly watch with all the screaming...but the towels sure looked cute!


  1. They are so cute and what bright colors! Poor Henry doesn't look like he enjoyed his bath much. Hopefully that will change in time. Love you

  2. Love them!! I have seen hooded towels, my mother even makes one for my boys when they are born, but I have yet to make them myself . . .and to be honest have yet to see as cute of ones as yours!! I love your "project a week" thing too. I want to start that!

  3. PS And I knew you had to be sewing. I just knew you couldn't not do a few projects here and there. Plus, that blanket Henry is laying on in your last post on your personal blog I knew had to be homemade. Love it by the way. Cute fabric!!

  4. I heard about how awesome they were. If a certain friend invited me to Friday Fun Day I think it would be totally cool.

  5. So cute! If you don't mind sharing, I would love to know how to make those hooded bath towels!

  6. Nice post!! Hooded bath towels are best chocie for babies...
