Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Table Playhouse Tent

When I saw the idea of a fabric playhouse tent to go over a card table, I had to do one. I thought it was the best idea ever. The girls are always trying to build homes out of pillows and blankets, and I thought that they would love an actual little playhouse. Luckily, my friend Jen wanted one for her kiddos too, so we were able to tackle them together.

I knew sheets would be the cheapest way to get the amount of fabric I needed, so I set out to find the perfect set. I never saw anything I loved that wasn't $30-$40 dollars. Those who know me, know I'm kinda thrifty (aka cheap) when it comes to that kind of stuff. I hate spending money on something, when I know I don't have to. But, I did remember a Pottery Barn duvet cover I bought at a garage sale a few years back that I never used. It was too cutesy to ever put in our bedroom, too matronly to put in the girls room, and too frilly to use in a guest room. I have looked at it several times for other projects, but I never liked it. I guess it was never the right project, because for some reason when I pulled it out again for this project, I loved it! I thought it would make an adorable playhouse.

I gave Gabriella the choice between if she wanted pink or orange coordinating colors. She choose pink. Shocker! So I bought a pink twin sheet set for $7.99 at Ross that I used to line the inside (yes, I'm crazy, I lined the entire thing) and for the roof. The pink pillow case was used for the drapes in the windows on both sides. As I was searching for the right color sheets, I saw a pink scalloped twin bed skirt for $4.99 that was perfect for the banner. I had no intentions of making the door frame, but there was a slight gap between the door and walls from the seam allowance, so I used the bed skirt to frame the door. I added the ribbon on the windows and door so they could be tied up. I also attached the flowers to add a little fun to it.

The girls have loved it so far. They especially love jumping in and out of the windows, which resulted in a tear. I'm sure it is only the first of many patching that I'll have to do.

It only took me about a day and a half to do it. It was nice having my friend over so I wasn't feeling guilty about neglecting the girls. We did feed them during the day didn't we Jen?
Honestly though, it was one of the most fun sewing projects I have done. I loved it. It was like I was making my little dream house once upon a time for my little girls. Jen so cleverly called it an English cottage. I liked that. So, here's my $13 English cottage. Much better than the $200 ones I found on line.


  1. Amazing. I had forgotten you wanted to tackle this project. Did you have a pattern or just try to make it up? The fabric looks perfect... yes, an English cottage. How fun to spend a day sewing with Jen. I'm sure the girls love it... how lucky they are to have such a crafty momma.

  2. It is, "practically perfect in every way" in the words of Mary Poppins. Do they just worship the ground you walk on now??? I am going to work some more on mine tonight. Wish me luck...I'm so tierd!

  3. I love following your blog. I just happened to find you! I'm planning on making one for my niece for her birthday. I'm torn between making it to go over their dining room table and a card table...hmmm...any suggestions?

  4. Jamie it turned out perfectly! The girls are going to have so much fun in their new house. A space just for them and all the "My Baby's" they can find. What a treat. Any tips and tricks you found you might want to share? Love you!

  5. That duvet could not be more perfect! It would probably take me two months to make, but you? A day in a half! You are amaz-zazing!! It is perfect. I love the scalloped roof and the orange flowers are the perfect touch. Really, I hope your girls know how lucky they are to have you!

  6. That is super cute. I've never seen one before, so if you had not mentioned you saw it else where. I would have thought it came from your very creative brain. Great idea.

  7. So cute! This turned out great. I bet your girls love it. And how nice that you can fold it up and put it away when they're done with it!

  8. That has to be the cutest playhouse I have EVER seen! little girl just might need one for her birthday this fall. I'll have to find a card table first?

  9. Jamie, it turned out soooooo cute!!
    Do you remember that you girls had one?? Not near as cute, but you spent hours on end in it. (( Not to mention the many hours I was trapped in there with you!! ))
    Maybe the girls and I can have lunch in there when I get to Dupont!!

  10. Oh so wonderful!!! I am always coming on in hopes that a new idea would be posted and now I find this of all ideas. LOVE IT!! Love love love it. OH, what a dream your girls must be in. I love the idea of sheets too. Way to go on tackling this and with a friend too. You truly are the best!

  11. the fact that I dont even know how to turn on a sewing machine is making me want to cry about now. I can only imagine how much fun my kids would have with this. I really need a friend to teach me how to sew.
    This is beautiful Jamie. I am totally enamored with it and you.

  12. ok that is seriously cute! i'm going to have to make one of those. i know preston's a little young for it, but it's just too cute. he'll have to grow into it. and what a great idea of using sheets and a bed skirt to save on dollars. you're so awesome. can i be like you when i grow up?

  13. It turned out so cute. I bet your girls love it! Great job!

  14. I just stumbled upon your blog. I love this. I was looking up some plans to make my kids a house like this but attached to their bunk bed. Any advice?

  15. I stumbled upon your blog and love the pictures of the cardtable tent and the advice to use sheets, thank yoU!

  16. Hi, just found your post and what a cute playhouse! I hope you don't mind I linked to your post from my blog, Let me know if you'd rather I delete it. So cute!

  17. Hello, i referred your creations on my blog. You can see them on Playhouse ovvero le casette gioco .
    I hope you like it.
    Hello, Linda

  18. I made 3 card table playhouses last Dec. for preschoolers in our family. One was a castle, and the 2 others just "houses". they all had to be "up-graded" for the next birthdays because of the Christmas time crunch!
    I chose plaid/striped colourful fabrics, made the lower 5-8" a flowery fabric for flower beds, a pocket inside the back for little dolls/toys/books, a picket fence, a felt apple tree with 6 apples on velcro, 5 velcro'd flowers in flower boxes. The windows are heavy plastic - no going in and out! Numbers over the doorfor the address, and little cards with "door", "window", "roof", etc. to attach with safety pins for reading, when ready, were included. One upgrade included a Camaro and a Corvette (felt- on the side)in an attached Garage for the only boy involved. The castle had a turret and a tower and a drawbridge. A good idea was to attach cords/binding to each upper corner inside to tie the house to the table in case of accidents!
    For my granddaughters, I made a "half dining room table playhouse, and had todesign around the "workings" of the extension with separable zippers.
    The families of the recipients were very pleased and grateful for the time and effort put into these gifts! And I loved creating them. Now I'm into making a couple more for my church!
    The lady who gave me the idea said it would take all your stash and all your expertise to create them. She has made an aquarium, a flower shop, a barn, and an observatory too.

  19. I am completely in love with the card table play houses, and my kids will definitely be getting one (or two!) for Christmas!! I've also included this on my website today. Thanks so much for sharing!!

    Cheep Ideas Website

  20. Thank you for sharing! My grandma made me a felt house with a door, windows, and flowers to go over a card table. It was my favorite growing up! It zipped up the corner. I found it in my parents attic for my 2 girls to play with and of course it's become my son's favorite too! But the zipper is broken and it has seen better days! I think I may try to tackle making a new one! Thanks for your absolutely adorable, original, wholesome, ideas to inspire the rest of us!

  21. As I was searching for the right color sheets, I saw a pink scalloped twin bed skirt for $4.99 that was perfect for the banner. I had no intentions of ...

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