It's been killing me that I haven't made Henry anything to wear. I sew tons of girl clothes, but for a boy, I didn't know where to start. The options for cute boy wear are a little more limited in my opinion. But when I saw a pattern for ties at my favorite fabric store, I knew I would become hooked. Nothing says "heart melter" like a little guy in a tie. I'm a sucker for little boys looking like grown ups.
I picked up the adorable seahorse fabric for Henry's nursery, but I decided to wait until we move to decorate a room for him. It's SO hard for me to find boy fabric I like. It has to be the right colors, masculine, not too gimmicky, not too baby, but still cute. Anyway, I loved this fabric right away and bought a bunch. It's been taunting me for months to do something with it. I thought a tie would be perfect.
And yes, I know, this is probably nothing new or exciting to most of you, but to me, a new mother to a boy, this is both new and exciting. I made it in no time and want to make dozens more. I'm actually thinking about taking orders (Is that illegal? I looked on the pattern but I don't see anything about selling products made from the pattern.) Hmm, I wonder how much I could charge?
I was admiring his tie on your other blog. So cute. And he's getting so big! I think he's gonna end up with a ton of fun ties. The possibilities are endless. And if you do start to sell them, do nephews get a discount? =) Love ya!
i'll take one!
Oh, I love it!! I have been working hard to make the perfect tie pattern for awhile now. I still don't have it down. I should have just gone and bought one. Much easier. I TOTALLY think you can take orders. You bought the pattern so I think you are safe. So fun! Making ties really is so fun. It is hard with boys. What do you make? But, with time you find little fun things here and there. I sure love that tie. I think you can sell it for at least $12-15. That is what they sell for in the stores.
PS and he is seriously so cute. I have to say he and wyatt have a little look of similarity. I think that is so cute. I just love this blog. I love seeing the fabulous things you make. Because really, everything you make really is fabulous. You have a gift for picking out fabulous fabrics too
love the tie! i love the 70's look with the fat knot. and where did you find that shirt? it's seriously cute!
i totally agree on the fabric too; it is so hard to find perfect boy fabric that is masculine and not blue and brown dots! i've been sewing a patch work shower curtain for the boys' bathroom and i've been having the hardest time comming up with the prefect fabric combination that isn't blue and brown or too girly. when i'm done you'll have to check out my blog and tell me what you think.
anyway, blah blah. i love your style, please keep sewing boy stuff! you give me such great ideas!
Adorable! I'm a mom to 3 little girls so I'll never get to make ties. I hear you about dressing baby boys up like little men. It's achingly adorable. :) Maybe I'll put the girls in ties anyway... with super girly jumper dresses and button-down shirts! I'm seriously loving that idea. You should sell the ties!
I am gasping over here. It's really hard to breath. I want to rip that tie right off of cute Henry and hide it away and hope you never find it. It's ADORABLE! I hope you can tell how much I mean it. Please make some...I'm thinking Easter outfits already. Ohhh the possibilites!!
I have 3 boys and 2 girls. I would often make dresses and ties to match for special occasions. It worked until the boys got to their teens. :)
Yeah. Sewing stuff for boys is ultra-lame. There's really nothing to make. I did make Taylor a cape, though, and he loves it.
I think we need a "craft morning" let the kids play and make some fun ties for the boys. Let me know.
I LOVE this picture. Love how you are in it too and you can see where he comes up to. Great pic.
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