I was facing some major maternity skirt woes. Bryn and I have shared maternity clothes and have quite the extensive wardrobe. I love it. However, over the past 4 years of maternity clothes shopping between the two of us, we have only ever bought 1 maternity skirt. The skirt is black and great, but this time around I'm pregnant through the winter and it just wasn't going to cut it with boots. And you don't want to see these legs outside of boots during winter. Trust me.
I tried shopping and realized that I am very particular about the way skirts fit and all the maternity skirts I was finding (which was only one by the way) was above my knee and flowy. I don't do flowy. I'm too stick thin and tall. I was desperate. And desperate times call for desperate measures.
I searched the Internet for a maternity skirt how to. I have never made any clothing for myself so this was a long shot to make maternity wear, but I had to try. I found what looked to be a super simple tutorial and thought I'd go for it. The next day I happened to find this great wool at a Thrift store for $2. What better to experiment on than cheap fabric? As a little secret, I buy fabric at thrift stores all the time, you can't believe the neat, cheap stuff out there. 

Any way, I used an old tent style maternity shirt for the knit waist band, elastic I had, silk for the lining I had and went to work. 
Two or so hours later I had something pretty acceptable. I bought some lace to add to the lining for a little extra length, style and to protect my legs from that crazy, itchy wool. The sewing isn't perfect. I didn't use a skirt pattern, I just used the measurements of one of my favorite non maternity skirts and went from there.

Two or so hours later I had something pretty acceptable. I bought some lace to add to the lining for a little extra length, style and to protect my legs from that crazy, itchy wool. The sewing isn't perfect. I didn't use a skirt pattern, I just used the measurements of one of my favorite non maternity skirts and went from there.
Now that I made a great skirt for about $2, I can't wait to go to the actual fabric store and get myself some tweed and herringbone for a few extra Sunday skirts! I wanted to share because I know I can't be the only one who has found themselves in this position and it is so easy to do!
LOVE the skirt....wish I was bold enough to try that for myself. Where were you when I was pregnant!!! I definitely could have used a great looking maternity skirt. So what Thrift stores have you found fabric in?? I might have to explore that!
What a great skirt. I can't wait to see what else you make for yourself. I'm so glad you're finally posting here again. Hopefully we'll get to see all sorts of fun boy ideas!
Great skirt. Very classy looking.
Okay, this is the exact pattern I use to make maternity skirts too!! And yes, they are fabulous. When carly got married I needed a red maternity wedding outfit. Now where do you find that??? (And believe me I looked!) So, I made a red skirt from this pattern and fell in love. This weekend actually, while Sara was here we went and bought fabric to make 3 skirts for her (She is pregnant and do just a month after me). you just can't beat it! (And when you buy for more just buy ribbing fabric for the top part like you would use to make a collar around a boys t-shirt, so easy!) I love these skirts and yours turned out great!
Jamie it's perfect! I hope you wore it in all is fabulous-ness on Sunday and I bet you looked like a hot baby's mama!!
Seriously cute.
In response to your comment on my blog:
You can use any type of ribbing fabric. Just ask someone at Joann's and they can show you were it is at. (That is what I had to do) It just needs to be stretchy fabric. It is the type you have on the top of any t-shirt type shirt. But, if you asking for ribbing that is stretchy material they should know what you are talking about. I actually use 2 inch elastic because the 3 seemed so big. But, if they have 2 1/2 that is what I would really perfer. (I only have found 2 1/2 inch once though and it was my favorite). But, it would be up to what you think you would like best. Good luck and hopefully you find some fun fabrics!! After my boutique is over I will be finishing up ones for my sister. (and maybe one more for me :) )
I am amazed at how creative you are and that your projects always turn out! I haven't been so lucky. I've done a lot of sewing but NEVER without a pattern. You are so talented! (I also don't think I've ever seen what looks like a size 1 skirt called a maternity skirt.)
Jamie how do you know Tasha? We don't know each other but she is from my home ward that we were in during our four years of dental school...small world huh! OK I totally meant to catch you and tell you that you looked like a super model on Sunday but it just didn't happen. You and your skirt look ou-la-la fabuous!!! if you make anymore count me in. Another sewing project would be fun to do together, if you want some company. Once again though you make me wonder how one person was given so much daw-gone tlanet:-)
PS And I think you should let the girls"accidentally hike up you skirt a little bit just so you can show off the awesome silk underneath....kidding...
Love it Jamie. You have turned yourself into one very talented lady. Good for you. It looks great and I bet you will make some more really cute items. Can't wait to see them.
Very cute! Like Sara, though, I want to know what thrift store you find fabric in?!
You are so talented! That skirt is way cute!!! I wish I thought of stuff like that when I was prego!!!!!
Jamie, it's adorable! Good for you... you're so talented. I bet Bryn is glad you made it too!
I love your blog. I've recently started following you on my new blog, littlelizardking.blogspot.com
Thanks so much for sharing such sweet posts!
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